BUY: Resend

BUY: Resend

Released: 20201124

Feature request: Internal

Operators may use this feature to resubmit failed BUY transactions for customers. The option is only available for the first 72 hours (default). Change the availability window in Organization settings.

Locate the failed BUY transaction:

  • Choose Buy or All transactions from the Transaction Log.

Select the Resend option in Transaction Log item ACTIONS:


  1. Transactions must be younger than 72 hours (= weekend + monday).

  2. Only one retry is possible.

  3. Operator 2FA must be enabled and OTP must be implemented (to impede any attack surface).

  4. CAS User permissions must include: BUY_RESEND_CREATE

BUY_RESEND_CREATE is set in Security settings.

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