Notification Policies

Notification Policies

Staying on top of your business is important. You must setup notifications to receive timely feedback. These should be setup carefully to ensure an optimal customer experience.

Create a common notification policy, and assign it to every terminal - to stay notified.

Commonly used notifications:

  • Stacker Manipulation (is your cash being touched?)

  • Customer Enrolled (is a customer waiting for your approval?)

  • Transaction Failed (check your wallets / exchanges)

Notification Policy Dashboard

  • Quickly view a summary of existing policies, and test them with a single click.

View the Notification Policy.

The easy way to replicate an existing policy for modification.

Remove the Policy.

Button is hidden if the Policy is used by any Terminal.

Test it! Make sure it works as expected.

Example Rule:

Notification Policy Details

Name*: a descriptive name for the Notification Policy.

Organization*: (admin only) select the affected Organization.

A single policy may have many Rules.

A Rule is a trigger, an event that you choose to get your attention:

See Notification Policy Rules (below) for details about each Rule.

Terminal Filter selects Terminal groups using tags:

Action: the result of the the event being triggered:

Available Actions:





Send email


Send SMS

Always use a fully qualified target phone number

  • ( e.g. in the US: +19415551234 )

Send Telegram message

See: Telegram Notifications

Voice call

Charges will apply.

Call Webhook

For systems using registered extensions ONLY.

  • Retry times (after failure) are: 30s, 60s, 300s, 900s, 3600s

Send approval link by SMS

Customer Enrolled Rule only

Send approval link by email

Customer Enrolled Rule only

Send approval link by Telegram

Customer Enrolled Rule only

See: Telegram Notifications

Action Parameter:

  • Enter the actual phone number, email, or Telegram ID of the notification recipient.

Delete any unnecessary Actions.

Add new Actions, or delete a secondary Rule:

  • You must have at least one Rule per Policy.

  • You must have at least one Action per Rule.

Create a new Notification Policy:

1. Click on “ADD RULE” to create a new rule (in addition to the existing rule(s)):

  • Skip the first step if creating a new Policy - a new Rule will already be waiting for completion.

2. Set the Rule trigger:

3. Set the Parameters and Filters (if any):

4. Set the Action and Action Parameters:

5. Save the Rule:

Notification Policy Rules


Parameters (bold = required)



Parameters (bold = required)


Transaction Success
  • Fiat

  • Amount

It’s good to know your BATM is doing what it’s supposed to do!

Transaction Failed
  • Fiat

  • Amount

Any Buy, Sell, or Withdraw transaction “fails” when it cannot be processed. There are a few reasons that this can occur; invalid data (e.g. bad configuration), amount is not calculated due to rate source unavailability, wallet or exchange has insufficient coin or fiat.

Wallet Crypto Balance Low
  • Coin

  • Amount

Restock your hot wallet!

Exchange Crypto Balance Low
  • Coin

  • Amount

Increase the available coin at your Exchange.

Cash High
  • Fiat

  • Amount “High”

more cash = more risk; clear it out regularly

Customer Enrolled


AML/KYC Event: a customer has submitted his/her identity documents & is awaiting your approval.

Store Order Prepared


Currently unsupported.

Store Order Paid


Currently unsupported.

POS Order Prepared


Currently unsupported.

POS Order Paid


Currently unsupported.

Terminal Offline X Minutes
  • time offline

Terminal has been offline for the [parameters] time.

  • default = 2 minutes

Terminal Online Again


Terminal has regained a connection to CAS.

Stacker Manipulation


Stacker/cashbox has been pulled.

Terminal Errors


Terminal is “out of order” with any of these problems:









Transaction Cash Limit Reached

Specific Cash Limit *

When supplied, confines the notification(s) to only that specific limit period (per day, per week, etc).

Your customer has reached their upper limit permitted for that Identity.

Cash Low
  • Fiat

  • Amount “Low”

Dispensers are getting low on total fiat on hand; this may result in lost “Sells”.

Cashbox Banknote Count High
  • Fiat

  • Amount “High”


Cashbox Banknote Count Low
  • Fiat

  • Amount “Low”


Invalid Payment Received


You have a SELL problem. Your customer sent you a payment that wasn’t quite right.

Balance Cleared


A transaction was started but not finished. After a 10 minute delay, the BATM automatically auto-completes the transaction & “clears” the balance to permit another transaction.

Transaction Supply Limit Reached


Your customer has reached their upper limit permitted for that Identity.

Recycler Cash Low
  • Fiat

  • Amount “Low”


Short Counters Cleared


The cashbox has been emptied.

Rate Source Not Available

Your Rate Source is offline.

  • Transactions are blocked until resolved.

Short Counters Cleared

Cash has been cleared from the machine by an attendant.

Watchlist Scan Ban


A transaction score violation has occurred.

Photo Printed


for use with Photokiosks only

Exchange Fiat Balance Low
  • Fiat

  • Amount

Increase the available funds at your Exchange.

Stacker Out For X minutes
  • time threshold

Used when the Stacker Manipulation rule has driven you absolutely insane.

Door Sensor


The BATM door has been opened.

Stacker Out Outside Opening Hours


Relies on:

Transaction scoring provider flagged a transaction or an address


Transaction Scoring trigger.

CipherTrace scored the transaction = 10 and the transaction was blocked.

Transaction scoring provider flagged a transaction or an address as suspicious but not with a score high enough to be blocked


Transaction Scoring trigger.

CipherTrace scored the transaction = 9 and the transaction was permitted.

QR-Code sticker detected


The security feature must first be enabled.

Alarm Status


For use with BATM alarms.

Alarm Triggered


For use with BATM alarms.

Alarm PIN Accepted


For use with BATM alarms.

Alarm PIN Not Accepted


For use with BATM alarms.

Terminal rejected due to wrong IP address


When IP Whitelist Enabled is active.

Dispenser Cassette Manipulation


Fires when a dispenser cassette is ejected.

Dispenser Initialization Failed


Triggered when a dispenser problem is detected during dispenser activity.

Acceptor acceptance problem


Fires when the acceptor rejects a banknote 3 consecutive times.

Machine inactivity


Your BATM hasn’t been used in 2 days!

Transaction attempts reached


Triggered after a customer initiates (then abandons) a transaction - 3 consecutive times.

Cashback Created


A cashback has been sent to a customer.

Organization Invoice Created



Cash Collection Missed


A scheduled cash collection didn’t occur.

Possible Fraud


The BATM senses that a door is open and a transaction was attempted.

Blacklisted Address Used


A blacklisted wallet address was presented at the BATM.

Watched identity performed transaction


An Identity (marked to be “watched”) conducted a transaction.

Lifetime identity volume reached


See: Total Identity Cash Limit

Customer Agreed to Marketing Opt-in


See: Discounts (opt-in)

Wallet Crypto Balance Too High
  • Specific Currency

  • Amount

The amount has been exceeded in your Hot Wallet. Drain any excess coin to mitigate any exposure to theft.

Exchange Crypto Balance Too High
  • Specific Currency

  • Amount

The amount has been exceeded in your Exchange. Drain any excess coin to mitigate any exposure to theft.

Travel Rule transaction submission failed



Verification Provider Registration Approved



Verification Provider Registration Declined



Identity created



Dispenser banknote count set



Acceptor is not detected



Acceptor disconnected



Terminal Paired


A Terminal has been approved/paired for connection to CAS.

Cash Collection created


Sends information about a cash collection, including:

  • terminal serial number,

  • cash collection id,

  • time,

  • buy and sell counters, and

  • cashbox status.

Organization Invoice Created



Organization Locked



Queued Transactions Failed




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