Terminal Settings
Individual Terminal settings are described within this section.
When using Terminal Templates, many of these options will be located & controlled there.
Terminal Reports & Logs:
TRANSACTIONSTransaction Logs & Analytics | |
EVENTSEvent Log: your BATM Heartbeat | |
CASHCash Control & Reports | |
ACTIONSRemotely control your BATM. |
Terminal Status & Statistics (quick view):
The following quick reference data is displayed for this specific terminal:
Terminal Display: Exchange Rates (Buy/Sell) as seen by the customer.
Updated At: the last time the BATM updated it's screen.
Terminal Time: the time the individual BATM has locally.
Server Time: the time of the event according to CAS.
Available Cash For Dispensing: Available/Allocated for SELL purposes.
Balance: a transaction is in progress, and this is the amount of fiat involved.
Remaining Anonymous Customer Limits (where applicable).
Long counters are “forever” - all amounts since the BATM was placed into service on CAS.
Buy Counters Long: displays the amount of cash ever deposited into the BATM. This amount is saved for the duration of the BATM service life while installed on your CAS.
Sell Counters Long: displays the amount of cash ever issued from the BATM. This amount is saved for the duration of the BATM service life while installed on your CAS.
Maintenance Counters Long: displays the amount of cash ever deposited into the BATM during maintenance. This amount is saved for the duration of the BATM service life while installed on your CAS.
Short counters are reset periodically (as needed) typically during cash servicing.
Buy Counters Short: displays the amount of cash deposited into the BATM since it was last cleared.
Sell Counters Short: displays the amount of cash issued from the BATM since it was last cleared.
Maintenance Counters Short: displays the amount of cash deposited into the BATM during maintenance since it was last cleared.
General Settings
All settings marked with a double asterisk (**) are required.
Items in red can only be changed by users with administrator privileges.
Serial Number: from the label! Used throughout CAS to uniquely identify each BATM.
Version: the firmware version currently installed in the BATM.
Network Info: the type of network this BATM was last connected to, and it's last known IP address.
Restore point version: information about the most recent restore point created.
Name: an arbitrary name you call this particular BATM. Be descriptive. Anything that will help you pick it out of a list will do.
Acceptors: the type of bill acceptor (and billset) currently installed in your BATM is displayed here.
Created at: read-only setting that reveals the date this Terminal was added to the database.
Terminal Locked: Terminal settings cannot be changed while locked by an Administrator.
Terminal Active: enables the terminal, otherwise the BATM displays the maintenance message. De-activating the terminal turns off all access except administrative (at the BATM) and CAS (here).
Deactivate outside of opening hours: when enabled, the BATM is deactivated (and cannot be used) outside of the “opening hours” as defined within the assigned Location.
IP Whitelist Enabled: prevents your BATM from connecting to potentially dangerous local networks, and helps prevent loss if your BATM is abducted. See: Error: Check your IP Whitelist
Enable this after the BATM is deployed onsite, disable it during initial setup only.
IP Whitelist: the IP of the current (or most recent) router that your BATM is connected to.
Enable this if you are certain the IP will never unexpectedly change.
The IP to be entered is your router’s PUBLIC IP. Entering a local/private IP will result in the BATM being blocked. e.g. 192.168.x.x is a “private” IP - the opposite of public. More info?
Update IP Whitelist automatically unless Terminal restarted: enable when IP’s are dynamically set by the Internet provider. When they assign a new public IP to the router, this setting will automatically accept the new IP and update the setting.
Allow Buy Orders: when used with the GBSafe, enables “orders” to be created (instead of transactions). Orders are subject to a different level of legal scrutiny in certain regional jurisdictions.
Registration Number: helps identify a BATM from the BATM screen (when implemented).
Can be any arbitrary identifying information, including any legally required registration numbers.
Also see (below): ATM display top left corner
Top Left Corner Display: Used to display helpful identifying information at the BATM to customers & other third-parties (merchants, handlers, techs, etc) onsite.
Block “Not Registered” by Certain Line Type: changing this setting is an additive restriction to the blocked line types (as set in Organization).