CashBox Video Recording

When the cash box is removed, the selfie camera records a video (when this option is enabled). The 30 second video is stored internally to the BATM. Use the Terminal Action “Collect Videos” to transfer the videos to CAS, where it can then be viewed/copied/downloaded as proof of pickup or criminal prosecution.

How it works:

Enable cash box video recording in CAS.

Open the vault & remove (pull) the stacker/cash box.

  • The video will automatically record.

Collect the videos:


Select “Collect Videos” for that specific Terminal in CAS.

  • Wait for the video to download, this may take 10 to 20 minutes (or longer) depending on the size and number of videos.

Video are stored in a specific data folder “video storage” for each individual BATM.

Login to your CAS CLI using SSH, and examine the folder contents:

ls -lart /batm/data/video_storage/BTxxxxxx/
  • Replace BTxxxxxx with your Terminal’s actual serial number.

  • The filenames are encoded with the date/time of the recording.

    • e.g. CAMERA_LOG-yyyyMMddhhmmss

The Cash Collection Id will also be appended to the filename:

  • when you’ve set your Terminal’s Cash Collection Mode to anything except “0 - DEFAULT - None”.

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