Terminal Actions

Terminal Actions

Terminal Actions can be accessed from both the Terminals Dashboard, and from within the Terminal Settings. The options listed below are available when selected from within the Terminal Settings.

Duplicate Terminal: quick method of replicating another Terminal’s configuration when adding a new Terminal.

Wi-Fi Reconfigure: Use this option to change your CONNECTED BATM’s Wi-Fi settings.

  • Unless the BATM is already connected to CAS, there’s no way to communicate to the BATM that you wish for it to connect to a different Wi-Fi option.

  • Enter the precise SSID and Password to connect.

  • A failed connection will automatically revert to the “old” working connection.

IP Whitelist Configuration: adjust your whitelisted IPs.

Convert to __ way machine: allows you to add/remove dispensing methods for the specified device (in CAS). See notes below.

Delete Terminal: hide the Terminal from view & use.

Unpair Terminal: re-pairs the BATM signature with CAS (security).

Create Terminal Template: triggers the creation of a Terminal Template based upon the settings of the current Terminal.

See: https://generalbytes.atlassian.net/l/cp/WS4CeeM0

Publish Settings: displays the “Publish Settings” dialog.

Upgrade Terminal: select this to upgrade the BATM software to the latest version immediately. Upgrades are frequently released monthly. After upgrading remotely, be sure to refresh your browser to see the newly installed version reflected accurately.

Acceptor Update: downloads and installs new acceptor firmware to the BATM. See: https://generalbytes.atlassian.net/l/cp/f1N2HR97

Create Restore Point: this forces your BATM to backup your current state. In the event of a crash, the BATM will automatically restore itself to that saved state (firmware, Server IP, and Admin QR).

Restore From Restore Point: reverts the BATM firmware and settings to the most recently saved Restore Point.

USB Dongle Update: prepares new firmware to be uploaded to the Terminal’s door sensor dongle.


Configuration: Convert to __ way machine:

This conversion may be required when a dispenser/recycler is added or removed.

Convert to Two way machine: adds the necessary configuration and reporting to enable this BATM to account for outgoing fiat.

Convert to One way machine: removes the configuration and reporting for this BATM to account for outgoing fiat.

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