Operator's Knowledge Base

Welcome to the GENERAL BYTES Operator’s Knowledge Base

This wiki is intended to be the best source of intelligence for our customers. New features are typically documented within a month (if not sooner). We strive to keep this resource current.

Creating a support ticket should be a last resort. Your time is valuable & we want to solve your issue as quickly as possible - preferably before it becomes severe. This knowledge base is the first line of attack; fast, effective, and comprehensive (with illustrations)!

Not our customer yet? Read this article to find out why GB is best choice.

Ask our AI “Julia”.

“Julia” was trained on this KB. As with any AI, there is no sanity-check being performed - except for the one in your skull. Do not trust Julia with sensitive information, she has been known to gossip.

Search for a keyword describing your problem:

Do you see an error or problem on your Bitcoin ATM?

Lookup the error message:

Please describe the error.

  • e.g. Server Not Reachable, Terminal not paired

Do you have a question about CAS (Crypto Application Server)?

Try searching the section or the error:

Please describe the setting.

  • e.g. Custom Strings, Crypto Settings, bitcoind

Did you just receive your Bitcoin ATM and have no idea where to start?

Let's get started!

What kind of Bitcoin ATM do you have?




Not sure? All of our products: Product Support

I was given a specific keyword to search for:


Just browsing?

General Bytes: Company Info

  • Partner Accounts

  • Invoice Payment Instructions

Products: Device Manuals

  • Bitcoin ATMs

  • Safes

  • Accessories


Software: Usage Manuals

  • CAS (Crypto Application Server)

  • WhaleBooks

  • Crypto/Coin Nodes

Recent Release Notes:

Need more help?

Browse by topic:

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  10. N-O
  11. P
  12. Q-R
  13. S
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  15. U-V
  16. W-Z
  17. 0-9

Copyright © 2020-2024 General Bytes USA LLC