Send Crash Logs to Support

Send Crash Logs to Support

Sometimes, we'll need your logs. If we've asked for your logs and you have no idea how to send them, you've come to the right page!

Crash Logs:

Without a Ticket ID, these logs will NOT reach the Support Team.

The crash logs contain a heap of diagnostic codes that help us identify certain BATM issues. These logs help us solve BATM problems and crashes. Please do not send these logs unless we request them.

Method 1: GUI

  1. Navigate to "Send Logs to Support" for the user panel:

  2. Check “Terminal Crash Logs”:

  3. Enter the Issue ID (ticket number) provided by Support.

  4. Click “Send”. You’ll receive an email confirmation of submission from Support.

Method 2: CLI

sudo /batm/batm-manage send crashlogs

Include the relevant Support Ticket number!

sudo touch /batm/app/master/server.telemetry
  • delete the file to disable Telemetry: sudo rm /batm/app/master/server.telemetry

More information:

Clearing the logs:

In some cases, your logs may have grown too large or numerous to submit. Perhaps you just want to free up space? In that case type this:

sudo /batm/batm-manage log clear
  • That will delete the admin and master logs.

Afterwards, restart all GB services (to create new, empty  log files)

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