Transaction Scoring

Transaction scoring is used to protect your customers from scams and prevent them from funding criminal enterprises. Currently optional, the notion of forced implementation is trending in certain regions. High risk wallet addresses (as defined by your provider) are rejected when presented as a target wallet (BUY), and incoming coins (SELL) will not be automatically enabled for cash withdrawal.

What transactions are considered ā€œhigh riskā€?

Transactions using certain wallet addresses are considered ā€œhigh riskā€ when the provider scores it a ā€œ10ā€. These types of addresses are known to belong to criminal enterprises. Addresses used for ā€œgamblingā€ score a ā€œ9ā€ - and are not rejected by CAS.

CipherTrace suddenly discontinued its' API in March 2024.

Signup for your free trial or request a quote:


Login to CAS and your Organization settings:

  • Open your Organization's settings.

Save the API key in "Transaction Scoring Provider":


Save your Organization settings!

Navigate to your AML/KYC settings, and enable "Reject High Risk Transactions":

Save your AML/KYC settings!

Test it.

High Risk addresses will now fail (be rejected) at the BATM:

Understanding the logged entries:

The Event Log will expand upon an explanation to you:

The Transaction Log will report as shown:

  • in this case, ā€œNo transactionsā€ means the wallet address is virgin: it has never been used before, and therefore cannot be scored.

  • wallets that have been seen before (on the Blockchain) will be listed and scored.

Notes about SELL transactions:

SELL transactions will initially succeed (coin can be sent to you), but CAS will NOT automatically enable the transaction to release fiat until you decide to mark it safe for withdrawal.

  • Rejected SELL transactions must be manually approved (or returned).

Blockchain Intelligence Group BitRankĀ®

Request an account at:


Create a BitRankĀ® API Key

  1. Go to API Keys tab under the BitRankĀ® module.

  1. Create an API Key and add the IP address of your CAS host.

  • You may permit all access ( for testing, but we encourage you to restrict it afterwards.

Enter the parameters in CAS:


  • (optional) highRiskThreshold (default: 20), and

  • (optional) suspiciousThreshold (default: 59).

Ensure highRiskThreshold is less than or equal to suspiciousThreshold.

  • Example optional parameters: 1apikeyForThisexample:20:59

Full API documentation:

TRM Labs

TRM Labs cannot score SELL transactions.

Get an API key from TRM Labs:

  1. Request an account from TRM Labs.

  2. They will email you an API key.

Enter the parameters in CAS:


apikey: received directly from TRM Labs.

categories: (optional) add a comma separated list of IDs of watched categories.

  • default category ID=9 (Cash to Crypto).

  • Separate additional categories with unspaced commas.

  • Example: apiKey:9,27,46

Full documentation:


Get an API key from Chainalysis and enter it where requested.

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