Questionnaire Selectors define which [ AML/KYC, Terminal, Identity, cryptocurrency ] and where (in the Terminal flow) the Questionnaire will be displayed.
Mandatory fields are: Name, Organization, Questionnaire and Insertion Points.
Questionnaire - which Questionnaire will be displayed
Insertion points - where Questionnaire will be displayed in terminal flow.
It is possible to set up to all 4 insertion points.
Active checkbox - set if the Questionnaire is enabled (or not).
Insertion points:
Before buy (after scanning the crypto address)
After buy (after clicking the buy button)
Before sell (after selecting the sell operation)
After sell (after clicking the sell button)
AML/KYC Tiers - which tier the Questionnaire will be displayed
The Questionnaire will be displayed for all tiers when no option is selected.
Crypto Currency - for which cryptocurrency the Questionnaire will be displayed.
The Questionnaire will be displayed for all cryptocurrencies when no cryptocurrency is selected.
Identity Tags - to which Identity types the Questionnaire will be displayed (based on identity tag).
The Questionnaire will be displayed to all identities when no tags are selected.
Terminal Tags - specify the Terminal types (by tag) that the Questionnaire will appear.
The Questionnaire will be displayed to all Terminals of the selected Organization when unset.
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