This release is only distributed via Debian Package Repository and requires Java 17 that is available on Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 22.04.


Release 20231212 contains AML and usability improvements and support for quizzes.

For best results, install the latest Java runtime prior to upgrade.

sudo apt update && sudo apt install openjdk-17-jre-headless
  • Older CAS versions may not work with JAVA17, do not upgrade JAVA until ready to upgrade CAS.

Before upgrading to this version we also recommend that you read following article:


New KB articles

Complete list of changes

New Features

  • Server/Terminal: Added Questionnaires support that operator can use to collect information from customers.

  • Server: Added new extension method overrideTransactionRequest that enables operator to

    be able to change transaction crypto amount dynamically.


  • Terminal/Server: Added new custom field type date with date picker on terminal screen

  • Terminal/Server: Receipt can contain all of the information required by CA law

  • Terminal: Added ability to invoke application crash from terminal's advanced administration to test sentry messages forwarding to sentry server.

  • Terminal/Server: Added ability to hide individual tiers for BUY or SELL screens separately in AML settings.

  • Server: Added credit card's last 4 digits into Transaction's CSV export

Bug Fixes:

  • Server: Australia country codes should not have in database 'AU-' prefix


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