
Release 20240701 contains improved support for recycler float downs as well as other usability improvements .


This release is only distributed via Debian Package Repository and requires Java 17.

  • Java 17 is available on Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 22.04.

For best results, install the latest Java runtime prior to upgrade.

sudo apt update && sudo apt install openjdk-17-jre-headless
  • Older CAS versions may not work with JAVA17, do not upgrade JAVA until ready to upgrade CAS.

Before upgrading to this version we also recommend that you read following article:


KB articles affected by this release:

Complete list of changes

New Features

  • Server/Terminal: Recycler floatdowns are now recorded and have similar Ids as cash collections.

  • Server: Added ability to search floatdown by id

  • Server: Added pages to list floatdowns at the terminal or across terminals

  • Server/Terminal: Added ability to display QR code with the link on ATM screen when “Nothing go to website” AML setting is used using registrations_disabled custom string.

  • Server: Opening hours are now also published to coinatmradar.com and other parties.


  • Terminal: Added sellNotAvailableWarning in special_configuration custom string to display SELL button even when there is no cash available. Clicking on a button displays text: “Cash is temporarily unavailable. Please contact support for assistance

  • Server/Terminal: Username associated to the access code entered is now logged in Event Log

  • Server: It is possible to ask customer to fill custom field value only once.

  • Server: Login page validation improvements.

  • Safe: Text in screensaver should be moving randomly.

  • Server: VPN configurations are not generated when VPN is not configured.

  • Server: Not started service is reported when start fails.

  • Server: Identity’s limits are calculated in context of last terminal used, rather than at what terminal identity was created.

Bug Fixes:

  • No specific bug fixes are included in this release.


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