New Features:
Server/Terminal: Add support for Jamaican Dollar
Server/Terminal: Added Albanian Language translation
Server/Terminal: Added new notifications for acceptor not detected and acceptor disconnected.
Server/Terminal: Added mode for dispensing from BNR loader cassettes only.
Server: Added buy and sell USDT-TRON support via BitGo
Server: Added Italy provinces in Admin.
Server: Added column "province" to identity XML export file and to identity CSV export file
Server: Added Terminal Status Filter for All Errors
Server: Add location public id to list of terminal transactions export on Terminal
Server: Export all locations to CSV and including public ids on "locations" page
Server: Adding location ID and respective hyperlinks to "Location Terminal Deployments" page
Server/Extensions: Added findIdentityBase methods.
Server: Billing UI rewritten to ReactJS.
Server: Server search rewritten to ReactJS.
Server: Terminal uptime analytics rewritten to ReactJS.
Server: Add suspend & unsuspend action to GDPR audit log
Server: Batm install script should create batm user without home and shell
Server: batm-manage send payment has mining fee optional parameter
Server: Modification of "CashLowNotification" so that it lists the amount in individual dispensers
Terminal: Don't log scanned private keys also for other altcoins.
Terminal: Cash dispenser's enhanced error logging in the event log.
Terminal: Added Touchscreen test to diagnostics test on terminal
Bug Fixes:
Server: Circle references in database removed.
Server: Names of video files uploaded on server are now preserved.
Server: Fixed Bitbuy.ca API support
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