This release is only distributed via Debian Package Repository and requires Java 17.

  • Java 17 is available on Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 22.04.

For best results, install the latest Java runtime prior to upgrade.

sudo apt update && sudo apt install openjdk-17-jre-headless
  • Older CAS versions may not work with JAVA17, do not upgrade JAVA until ready to upgrade CAS.

Before upgrading to this version we also recommend that you read following article:


KB articles affected by this release:

Complete list of changes

New Features

  • Server/Terminal: Added possibility to set custom message on Transaction Done screen using buy_transaction_success_additional_message custom string.

  • Server/Terminal: Added Hindi language translation

  • Server: Added possibility to set monthly limit as a fixed 30 day floating window instead of calendar month.

  • Server/Terminal: It is now possible to mark identity as prohibited from scanning QR codes. Such identity must always purchase with printed paper wallet.

  • Server: Added ability to discount also fixed fee.

  • Server: Added support for Stillman digital exchange as built in extension.


  • Server: Added ability to test Transaction Scoring Provider on crypto settings page.

  • Server: Dropped official support for Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04.

  • Server: Terminal status and VPN icon is now displayed also on terminal detail page.

  • Server: CSV export of identity now contains also column named “watched”.

  • Server: Added a periodical job cleaning old upgrade packages of gate service

  • Server/Terminal: Added ability to remotely float down individual drums of the recycler to cashbox.

  • Server: Added ability to specify custom blockchain explorer for XRP, SOL, DOT, ADA, BNB, DOGE, LINK

  • Server/Terminal: Added possibility to delete Surveillance photos.

  • Server/Extensions: ITransactionBuyInfo and ITransactionSellInfo now contains also server time and terminal time.

  • Server/Extensions: ITerminal accessible from extensions now also contains terminal tags.

  • Server/Extensions: Added possibility to add your own IVoiceCall provider via extensions.

  • Server/Extensions: startVerificationByIdentityId also returns applicantId.

  • Server/Extensions: Master service can be started in debug mode for extensions debugging. Not intended to be used in production.

  • Server/Extensions: Extensions examples are now as separate module in Github.

  • Server/Extensions: Added possibility to update personal info identity piece from extension.

  • Terminal: Added support for Logitech C922 as main camera


Bug Fixes:

  • Server: Don’t include banknotes that are still on recycler drums into cash collections.

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