

New Features:

Terminal: Updated Hebrew language support.
Server/Terminal: Added marketing Opt-In SMS/Phone Number option.
Server/Terminal: Added custom string for Fixed fee text on insert money screen
Server/Terminal: Online terminals send information to server what version is is present in restore point or if any
Server/Terminal: Minimum age requirement in AML KYC settings


Server: Trigger new notification for Cashbox Not Armed
Server: Server dump stats now contain number of active terminals
Server: Server dump stats now contain total number of bytes transferred trough TCP port
Server: Server dump stats now contain bytes transferred by other servlets
Server: Server produces Terminal Event and Notification when transaction is not approved by extension
Server: Customer is asked about enabling telemetry during the installation of new server.
Server: Fast track installation rewritten to ReactJS
Server: Transaction analytics rewritten to ReactJS
Server: Server monitoring is now ready for ReactJS
Server: Third party access is now ready for ReactJS
Server: Server dump is ready to be started from ReactJS
Server: Terminal transactions page rewritten to ReactJS.
Server: Behavioral analytics page rewritten to ReactJS.
Server: Cashbox analytics page rewritten to ReactJS.
Server: Output queues page rewritten to ReactJS.
Server: Third party access - WhaleBooks, Morphis and OSW rewritten to ReactJS.
Terminal: Added obfuscating of private key scanned events in log
Terminal: Terminal shows DNS resolve error when is unable to resolve server hostname

Bug Fixes:

Terminal: Deserialization fixes.
Terminal: Terminal crashing in loop when wlan0 interface is not found.
Terminal: Fixed printing loop in Cash collection mode 1.
Terminal: Printer prints black page randomly when you clicked multiple times on button "print cash cashboxes"
Terminal: Unify different behavior on different Collect Phone screens
Server: CASHBACK does not work with Withdraw mode = Withdraw using phone number

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