CryptX Wallet System
The CryptX Exchange is based in Georgia.
Fiat supported: EUR
Coins offered: BTC, LTC, BCH, USDT and ETH
1. Create an API Token:
Navigate to:
Click on “+ Create Legacy API”
Add an access token:
Name the API key something relevant and recognizable.
Enable Trading
Enable One-time Withdrawal
Save the new API key.
Enter your 2FA to confirm API key permission.
Save your new API Key (“token”):
(API Key used in this example: ZhCtwqkBHGc2T32DNKbxpeXE
Copy your API key,
save it somewhere secure (you can’t access it again),
accept the TOU, and
2. Locate your Wallet ID
From the appropriate wallet, select “Receive”:
Add a Receive address (if one doesn’t already exist):
Name the address anything relevant
Locate the relevant wallet_id*
Crypto Setting parameter:
in this example, the wallet_id would be “2013”.
3. Assemble the required CryptX parameters:
Parameters marked * are required, all others optional.
host* : port : token* : wallet_id* : passphrase : priority : max_custom_fee
host* is always:
port: (leave empty/blank)
token*: the API Key obtained from CryptX as described in Step 1 (above).
wallet_id*: the name of the wallet on CryptX (as located in Step 2 above).
passphrase: the wallet passphrase (if used).
priority: high, medium, low, or custom.
high: (default) = 2 blocks, medium = 8, low = 24
custom - also indicate the number of required blocks (e.g. custom:12)
max_custom_fee: the maximum fee (in s/vByte) when "custom" priority is used
max_custom_gas_limit: is obsolete and no longer used. Do not enter a value.
Example parameter string from the examples above:
Add a new Crypto Setting in CAS.
Select CryptX as a Hot Wallet.
Enter the Parameters as assembled previously.
Save the Crypto Setting:
Re-enter the Crypto Setting, and test it.
Test your settings before deploying them.
Save your setting first,
return to the same Crypto Setting,
run the test(s).
Secure it:
After verifying that your API Token works as expected, we encourage you to increase security.
Add your CAS server IP to the API IP whitelist, if desired (you may also leave it blank).
Set limits.
You’ll have to create a new Token on CryptX to implement these features.
DO NOT enable 2FA for the Token.
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