Website ATM Price Ticker

Website ATM Price Ticker

This feature has been disabled.

Please explore our “Extensions” on Github for alternative solutions.

Having this information on your website can improve your BATM visibility & sales.

Here’s how you add it:

  1. Enable publish to HQ in terminal settings.

  2. Simply place following HTML code on your website:
    <div id="coin-widget" align="left" serial-number="BT300019" color-text="white" color-bg="#2557A1" show-on-map="Show ATM on Map"></div>
    <script src="https://coin.cz/widgets/atm_widget_buy.js"></script>

  3. If you have a two-way machine and you want to display the sell price also, use the following code:
    <div id="coin-widget" align="left" serial-number="BT300019" text-buy="Buy" text-sell="Sell" color-text="white" color-bg="#2557A1" show-on-map="Show ATM on Map"></div>
    <script src="https://coin.cz/widgets/atm_widget_buy_sell.js" ></script>

  4. Please note that you should modify a few attributes:

    • Specify correct serial number of your machine.

    • Specify colors of your choice.

    • "Show on map" will not be displayed in widget if you delete show-on-map="Show ATM on Map"

  5. The prices are updated every 15 minutes.

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