Telesign Integration
“Access global digital identifiers and attributes”
The following Telesign services are integrated with CAS:
Identity: Access real-time phone number and subscriber attributes. Pay for each transaction call or save with volume based-discounts.
Phone ID: Access phone number attributes.
Contact: Get subscriber name, address, and more.
What does it do for you?
When enabled, Telesign is sent the phone number of the person using your BATM. They reply with the information that the telephone company has registered about that person, including the name & address. The line type describes the phone type that the person is using, which is useful for ensuring that only legitimate persons (with specific line types) can attempt registration.
Reduces registration fees (the number of false attempts are reduced).
Reduces registration headache, and prefills some basic Identity fields with known quantities.
Requires “Cellphone Number” in your AML/KYC authentication logic.
Setup a free trial with Telesign to explore the information it returns:
The free trial will not work with CAS, you must have a paid account to return the contact information.
The free trial will work with CURL and certain programming languages.
How do I use it in CAS?
Setup your paid Telesign account.
Retrieve your API Key and Customer ID from your Telesign Home Page.
Create or modify the settings file to include the API Key and Customer ID.
Restart CAS.
Navigate to your CAS Organization page and enable “Phone Lookup Providers”.
Choose the CAS options you wish to employ.