Morphis Cash Management API
Morphis® is a leading global supplier of currency supply chain solutions. Morphis' portfolio of cash management software products are used today by central banks, depository institutions, armored carriers, card issuers, ATM/POS ISOs, transaction processors and BPO shops worldwide.
For more information, see:
Morphis requires on-demand access to your BATM cash availability for it to be a benefit to you.
This extension requires HTTPS+REST API exposure.
CAS provides the following information to Morphis:
List of terminals,
Terminal location information,
Terminal transactions with essential data,
no access to: crypto amounts, cryptocurrency addresses, profit, or discount information,
Cash collections - cash pickup information (contents of cashboxes).
Enable Morphis access:
Open incoming TCP port 7743 on your server firewall.
For security reasons please make sure this port is open on your server’s firewall only for Morphis’ IP addresses.
Create a new Terminal tag “MORPHIS”:
Name it “MORPHIS” and CREATE it: