EP802 Firmware Update Tool

EP802 Firmware Update Tool

This article describes the Epson firmware update tool for the EP802 printer, as well as the required software and hardware to perform this update.

Updating the firmware implies certain risks. Do not update the firmware unless you are definitely affected by a firmware issue. New firmware doesn’t make anything “better”, it just fixes known, defined problems that can only be fixed by new firmware.

  • The wrong firmware can brick your printer.

  • Interruption of the flashing process can brick your printer.

HW Requirements:

  • USB A to USB B cable

  • PC with Windows OS (tested with Windows 7, but others should work too - including virtual machines)

  • Paper in the printer

SW Requirements


  1. Unzip the update tool into a convenient folder (on your Windows PC/laptop), and add the new firmware into the same folder.

  2. Ensure the BATM (and printer) is powered on.

  3. Disconnect the USB B port (from the BATM) at the printer:

Typical placement of the USB B connector
  1. Connect the PC/laptop USB cable into the USB port.