EP802 Firmware Update Tool
This article describes the Epson firmware update tool for the EP802 printer, as well as the required software and hardware to perform this update.
Updating the firmware implies certain risks. Do not update the firmware unless you are definitely affected by a firmware issue. New firmware doesn’t make anything “better”, it just fixes known, defined problems that can only be fixed by new firmware.
The wrong firmware can brick your printer.
Interruption of the flashing process can brick your printer.
HW Requirements:
USB A to USB B cable
PC with Windows OS (tested with Windows 7, but others should work too - including virtual machines)
Paper in the printer
SW Requirements
Firmware according to the source article
Unzip the update tool into a convenient folder (on your Windows PC/laptop), and add the new firmware into the same folder.
Ensure the BATM (and printer) is powered on.
Disconnect the USB B port (from the BATM) at the printer:
Typical placement of the USB B connector
Connect the PC/laptop USB cable into the USB port.
If you are using a VM (virtual machine), set up the virtualization tool to auto capture any newly connected USB device! Without that, the update can’t succeed.
e.g. the VirtualBox Extension Pack is required for USB support when using VirtualBox.
No special printer drivers are required to flash the firmware. Ignore Windows driver requests.
Run “UpdateFirmware.exe” from the files extracted in Step 1. Grant access to execute (if requested).
Choose Port: “USBAuto” (if not already selected) and click the “Self Test“ button.
The EP802 printer should print a “Self Test” ticket to confirm that you are successfully connected to the printer. Doublecheck that you are updating from a problematic FW version.
Click on “Update Firmware“ and choose the correct .BIN file (from your extracted files in Step 1) via the pop-up dialog.
The firmware will load into the printer. You'll be notified once it is finished.
Power cycle the printer: switch power off (0), wait 5 seconds, then turn printer on (1).
Position of power switch
Click on the onboard “Self Test“ button. The printer should print a Self Test ticket.
Check that the FW version on the Self Test ticket is the new one.
Reconnect the BATM USB cable to the printer.
Reboot the BATM to trigger the proper initialization of all devices.
Test the printer from the BATM UI, eg. through printer test, printing paper wallet,…
Firmware update complete.
Common errors and issues
VM USB misconfiguration:
Updating is straightforward, but you can still encounter some errors. A typical issue is when the update of the printer starts, but you receive the error: “InitPrinter failure!“.
This is typical for improperly configured virtual machine USB capture, where the printer (now in bootloader) is not automatically captured by the guest (virtual) machine.
Configuration of your virtual machine software is outside of scope of this article.
See: https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch01.html#intro-installing
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