Door Sensor Installation

Door Sensor Installation

Door sensors are an excellent way to detect intrusions and monitor cash attendance.

Door sensor locations are restricted for security reasons.


The Dongle

Door sensors are normally wired to a “dongle”, which is plugged into a USB port in your AKAREL:

  • 2 sensors are attached to each dongle (normally a single dongle is installed).

Sensors “A” and “B” are marked on the outside.

  • when a single sensor is used, implement sensor “A”.

  • Sensor “A” is normally the head door sensor, and

  • Sensor “B” (when used) is typically the vault sensor.

Sensor wiring:

  • Either the top or bottom sets can be used, but the wiring must always be as shown.

  • The black cable must always be on the outside, red in the middle, and yellow inside.

USB Port Adapter

The sensors are connected to the mainboard via an extra USB pin header. An adapter has been provided for the sensors to connect to that header. The header contains 2 sets of pins, each is another USB port.

PICTURE: mainboard USB pin headers.

Locate the extra USB pin headers on your mainboard. This header is on all model BATMs, near the standard USB “A” bank. See image for easier location.

The header pictured is the only USB header on the mainboard. The other pin grids are NOT USB!



  • BLACK is always towards the USB ports!

Connect the adapter onto the headers as shown in these pictures. It’s possible to reverse this connection - and damage may then occur. Pay attention!

CRITICAL: The RED wire connects to the pin farthest from the USB ports (as shown above).

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