BATM: Withdrawal is not Possible

BATM: Withdrawal is not Possible

This error will be displayed to your customer at the BATM when a redemption fails for any reason.

A CASHBACK RECEIPT or REDEEM TICKET can only be redeemed once.

If dispensing is interrupted for any reason (jammed dispenser, power outage, etc), the ticket/receipt will still be cancelled. Future attempts will receive this error and the ticket/receipt can not be reactivated. A new CASHBACK must be generated to replace the cancelled ticket/receipt.

Common causes:

  • Insufficient fiat in the BATM.

  • The CASHBACK or REDEEM TICKET has expired.

  • The CASHBACK or REDEEM TICKET has already been used.

1. Ensure the ticket is still valid.

Look in the Transaction log for the Status of the ticket: https://generalbytes.atlassian.net/wiki/x/P4CROQ

2. Ensure you have sufficient fiat loaded at the BATM.

Look at your CASH settings for that BATM: https://generalbytes.atlassian.net/wiki/x/a4CQOQ

3. Examine the Event log for that Terminal.

It may contain an explanation, or at least some relevant information.

4. Issue a replacement cashback

If the ticket has been cancelled, it cannot be reactivated. Issue a replacement cashback if necessary.

Terminal Actions | Cash

More SELL troubleshooting: Failed SELL transactions

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