CAS GUI Startup
Proceed only if you have installed CAS on your Ubuntu server.
Please see: Installation - Step1: CLI mode for those instructions.
Acquire your GB API key.
The API key is required to operate your software. It enables communication with our corporate licensing systems & tracks the sales numbers used to calculate your monthly invoices.
No private information is collected.
No customer information is collected.
Configure OpenVPN access to your CAS server.
Connecting to the CAS via VPN must succeed to proceed. The VPN protects your server from malicious attack (and loss of funds), and this security should be established from the very beginning of installation.
OpenVPN Community Guide (reference):
Alternate method using Cloudflare:
Navigate with your browser to your CAS server.
You'll receive a security warning when you navigate to the CAS web page for the very first time. This is normal and expected. More about "Insecure Browser Connections".
IMPORTANT: Update and use the latest browser version to keep the server access secured!
Open your favorite browser and key in the IP of your Admin interface suffixed by ":7777/".
The Admin interface IP can be positively identified on your server using “batm-manage info”.
CAS will take a minute to load, as the database is initialized & defaults created. Hang tight!
You’ll find yourself at the FastTrack Installation screen.
Fill in the requested info. Required items are marked with a red asterisk “*”.
The Admin User will have complete control of the system. They will also be required to complete administrative tasks on a regular basis - unless another “Admin User” is created (later).
The Username and Password will be required for logins.
Organization Details can be adjusted to meet your needs.
The GB API Key is located on your Partner page:
First Terminal Details will enable CAS to sketch out the basic default settings for your first BATM Terminal. It makes no difference which Serial Number you enter, as long as you own it.
Any remaining Serial Numbers can be added after your first login.
First login:
After you SUBMIT the FastTrack, you’ll be brought to the first login screen:
Login using the login credentials that you created in FastTrack Installation.
2FA will NOT be enabled until after the first login (assuming you enable it).
Add 2FA verification!
Turn on 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) after you successfully login! Again, your money is counting on you to protect it – so avail yourself of every opportunity to accomplish that.
Some parts of the CAS installation process require 2FA to be active - so get it done before moving on.
The method used by CAS is a RFC 6238 compliant implementation of Google Authenticator. This free app is available on the Google Play store. It provides you with a time-based rolling code to enter (in addition to your password) when you login to CAS.
Defaults have already been created.
CAS utilizes MySQL. It creates a new database when first started. Certain defaults are created during installation, but there are some entries that require your input to proceed. These entries need only be created once in most instances. Whether you have one, or a hundred terminals, you must configure these items. It would be wise to spend some time here and configure them properly the first time.
Don't delay.
CAS automatically timeouts in 60 minutes (default). You will be logged out and lose any unsaved changes if you leave CAS unattended. Make sure you are prepared to enter all of the required information before changing any settings. Save often.
Common adjustments:
These items are automatically created, but you should customize the following items to accurately reflect your Operation.
Organization: enter your business details, time zone & global settings.
Person: customize your administrative account details.
Your default BATM/Terminal
After the previous items are completed, you are ready to deploy your first BATM/Terminal.
You may install up to the licensed number of BATMs/Terminals using only ONE SERVER (CAS).
e.g. You do not need 5 servers for 5 BATMs. 1 server (CAS) works for all 5/50/500 BATMs.
CAS Introduction
Click here to get comfortable with your new software:
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