Insecure Browser Connections
When first connecting to your CAS Admin screen, your browser may complain about the connection. This should only happen the first time you access the page.
Depending on the browser, you may see various messages warning you about the connection being insecure.
The connection to the CAS Admin page IS secure and encrypted.
Details may be found below, but meanwhile you must override the browser's judgement to enter the CAS Administration page.
To override your browser’s restrictions, first choose your browser.
Mozilla Firefox:
Click on "Advanced".
Click "Add Exception..."
The window "Add Security Exception" will popup.
Make sure that "Permanently store this exception" is checked.
Click on "Confirm Security Exception".
Google Chrome:
Click on "ADVANCED".
Towards the bottom, it offers: "PROCEED TO XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (UNSAFE)"
Follow that link.
Microsoft Windows Edge:
Click on "Details".
Click "Go on to the webpage".
More information:
SSL/TLS secured HTTP communication requires that the browser know exactly who owns the server being accessed. They do this by means of a certificate issued and signed by a central authority. For a server to gain a certificate proving it's identity, it must first prove that it has control over the website it claims to represent.
General Bytes does not own nor does it control your website. General Bytes cannot therefor gain a publicly verifiable certificate to install on your server. This does NOT make your communications less secure, it just means that you must manually approve access to the web page. You will receive a "self-signed" certificate. It verifies that every time (in the future) that you visit your site, no one is "in the middle".
Your browser is merely doing what you rely upon it doing - and admirably so.
Even MORE information may be found here:
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