Individual Terminal settings are described within this section.
When using Terminal Templates, many of these options will be located & controlled there.
Terminal Reports & Logs:
TRANSACTIONSTransaction Logs & Analytics | |
EVENTSEvent Log: your BATM Heartbeat | |
CASHCash Control & Reports | |
ACTIONSRemotely control your BATM. |
Terminal Status & Statistics (quick view):
The following quick reference data is displayed for this specific terminal:
Terminal Display: Exchange Rates (Buy/Sell) as seen by the customer.
Updated At: the last time the BATM updated it's screen.
Terminal Time: the time the individual BATM has locally.
Server Time: the time of the event according to CAS.
Available Cash For Dispensing: Available/Allocated for SELL purposes.
Balance: a transaction is in progress, and this is the amount of fiat involved.
Remaining Anonymous Customer Limits (where applicable).
Long counters are “forever” - all amounts since the BATM was placed into service on CAS.
Buy Counters Short: displays the amount of cash deposited into the BATM since it was last cleared.
Sell Counters Short: displays the amount of cash issued from the BATM since it was last cleared.
Maintenance Counters Short: displays the amount of cash deposited into the BATM during maintenance since it was last cleared.
General Settings
Note |
Created at: read-only setting that reveals the date this Terminal was added to the database.
Terminal Locked: Terminal settings cannot be changed while locked by an Administrator.
Once created, set the preferred Terminal Template here to deploy it on this BATM.
Owner **: the Organization that owns this BATM terminal (admin only).
AML/KYC Setting **: select the appropriate AML/KYC policy.
VPN Required (deprecated): a secure VPN tunnel is required for this Terminal to connect to CAS.
Auto Restart: when enabled, this will trigger the BATM to automatically reboot when the Internet has been unavailable for an hour. It will only restart a maximum of 6 times - then give up.
Also see: Error: Server is not Reachable
Use Hardcoded Blacklist Addresses: when enabled, destination wallets presented by a customer are scanned against a hardcoded blacklist for fraudulent or other verified malicious actors.
Blur Detection Limit: (default=3) set this to change the number of times the BATM requests a rescan of “blurry” documents presented during KYC verification. Zero (“0”) = turn off this feature.
Withdraw Configuration:
Terminals that can dispense cash may authenticate customers using either a QR code or via OTP code. Choose the permitted method(s):
Withdraw using QR code (printed sell ticket or delivered as an SMS)
Withdraw using phone number
Withdraw using QR code or phone number
Banknote Labels
When configured in your Organization, banknote labels allow you to gain provisional credit for cash on hand in Terminals assigned the label. This is specifically used for Bankline support. Assign the label to this Terminal where appropriate, and the banknotes are then further marked in Banknote History.
You'll need to have at least one type of paper currency setup in (“Fiat Settings”) and one type of crypto-currency setup in (“Crypto Settings”) to complete this section.
Main Cash Currency **: select the primary type of currency your bill acceptor is designed to receive. Your particular bill acceptor model can be determined from the BATM admin screen.
Example: for US sales - the US Dollar, the Euro, & the Canadian Dollar (USDEURCAD) billsets are installed by default in the BATM, so in this example you would set “USD” as the “Main Cash Currency” (above) and add “EUR” and “CAD” here. You may skip this area if you only want to accept the main cash currency (USD).
Crypto Currency **: select the types of crypto-currency you support. Each type will need an entry in the main menu's “Crypto Settings”.
Tip |
Setup each coin with its own Crypto Setting. |
Fiat Settings
Assign a fiat setting to each Cash Currency identified in the previous step.
Warning |
This is a mandatory field and must be entered to save the Terminal setting. |
Crypto Settings
Assign a Crypto Setting to each Crypto Currency identified in the previous step.
Warning |
This is a mandatory field and must be entered to save the Terminal setting. |
General Bytes' products supports many languages, and is constantly adding more!
Default Language **: the language that the BATM uses unless another is selected (see appendix “B”).
Warning |
This is a mandatory field and must be entered to save the Terminal setting. |
Preferred Languages **: the languages you wish to offer the customer for BATM usage.
Warning |
This is a mandatory field and must be entered to save the Terminal setting. |
Custom Strings
These messages are displayed on your BATM, receipts, and messages.
See: Custom Strings
These settings allow you to record deployment locations for documentation purposes. It allows you to identify what sales happened where, which is a prudent record to have available.
Warning |
This is a mandatory field and must be entered to save the Terminal setting. |
Location **: the location at which this BATM will installed. This will show up on CoinATMRadar.
Location From Date **: the starting date this BATM will be at this location.
CORRECT LOCATION: to update a location after the fact,
CORRECT FROM DATE: the change the deployment date, after the fact,
MOVE TO NEW LOCATION: the BATM is being deployed elsewhere,
SHOW HISTORY: show the history of deployments.
Printing Settings (for BATMs with attached printers)
Allow Paper Wallet Print: enable to allow paper wallets as an option.
The SMS text is customized in “Custom Strings: sms_sell_crypto_ticket_template”
Cash/NFC Settings
Dispense Cash Algorithm: choose the preferred method of dispense operations:
0 - DEFAULT - Don't Issue NFC Cards
1 - Issue NFC Cards
2 - Issue NFC Cards Only After SMS One Time Password
3 - Issue NFC Cards Only After Fingerprint
Face Search
Face Capture Active: will capture a silent selfie during every transaction when enabled.
Publish Settings
You may choose to keep your BATM hidden - otherwise, publish it! The information is shared with third-party websites that steer customers towards the nearest Bitcoin ATM. The customers then give you money. You like money, right?
Operator Website: as displayed in the “Operator details” section of
Save your Terminal settings.