Crypto Settings

Crypto Settings are the various BUY and/or SELL configurations for your operation:

  • the types of trades your BATM terminals will allow (and how),

  • the interfaces and parameters between CAS, wallets, and exchanges,

  • the retail prices displayed & offered.

Your BATM may support BUY (1-way), or BUY & SELL (2-way) - depending on the model.

  • BUY: the customer BUYS crypto from you via the BATM.

  • SELL: the customer sends you crypto, you dispense cash/fiat.

  • Not all Coins support SELL capability. This is determined by the Coin sponsor, not GB.

  • Mobile Wallet recommendations are limited by the Coin, but you can suggest any vendor.

Dummy settings (Demo Hot Wallet & Demo Exchange) are created automatically for new accounts. No coin is actually transmitted when these settings are selected. BE CAREFUL using SELL dummy wallets - if you send them coin - they won’t send it back. Thank you for the beer!

At least ONE Crypto Setting is required for your BATM to operate.

You may set various configurations depending upon your organization’s preferences. This permits you to granularly fine-tune your terminals, or apply broader rules if you should so choose.

+ADD: creates a new Crypto Setting.

Displays current balances for all Hot Wallets.

Click to edit the configuration, or click on the setting “Name”.

View the Terminals that use that individual Crypto Setting.

Duplicate to use the existing configuration as a template.

  • Click to copy, then use a new name and adjust it as needed.

If you have more than one Crypto Setting, you will have the option of deleting one.

  • The setting must be unused to delete it.


The first few fields are the same no matter what type of Crypto Setting you’ve created.

Name*: Add a description of the type of purchase/sale. Specify the crypto type and exchange, with a markup% to help identify it, i.e. “Coinbase BTC 10% Buys”

Crypto Currency*: identify the type of crypto being used – selecting one will open a customization window for further refining the supported transactions.

Organization*: typically the default, sole organization already setup, used to help segregate settings. You can setup multiple organizations if you host a CAS for other companies.

  • The fields here may vary by crypto type.

Currency Unit: Select the standard unit of measurement for exchange rate to be displayed.

Allowed Discount Codes: check if you wish to allow discount codes for this type of trade.

Configuration Cash Currency*: select the standard currency that you wish to set as the default.


Minimum Cash Amount Per Transaction*: the smallest fiat amount you'll trade at this set rate.

  1. set this to the smallest possible trade you can manage.

  2. The first bill inserted into the acceptor must be at least this size. Additional banknotes can be smaller (as determined by your Fiat Settings).

  3. ALWAYS exceed any Exchange minimum transaction amount! (normally ~ $20 USD)

Don't generate vanity addresses for paper wallets: this privacy measure reduces the exposure footprint to your customers.

Minimum Card Amount Per Transaction*: the smallest credit/debit amount you'll trade at this set rate.

Buy Rate Source: select one of the supported wallets/exchanges for quoted rates (only).

  • Your Buy Rate Source should match your Exchange provider when possible.

  • Some rate sources are limited in frequency (“rate limited”). If you experience frequent rate failures, try a different provider, and understand that for each coin the source is listed, it will request a rate.

    • e.g. three coins = 3x the rate

Parameters (Buy Rate Source): (typically optional) enter any fiat currency for rates (e.g. USD, EUR) if the default (blank) doesn’t produce expected results.

Rate Fetching Period: determines the frequency of rate requests from your BATM to CAS. Some rate providers limit the number they’ll provide in a given time, and you don’t want to exhaust that. You also want a responsive price - so this setting allows you to adjust the rate calls to your needs.

Stabilize Buy Rate Source: Stabilizes the rate source using a moving average.

  • Stabilizes the rate source using a moving average. When the buy rate moves down, the stabilized rate will slowly follow but when the rate goes up the stabilized rate will go up immediately. This way the stabilized rate source is always equal or more favorable for the ATM operator compared to the non-stabilized source.

Hot Wallet Buy: this is one of two possible sources of crypto for a BUY. You may also use an Exchange in addition to (or in place of) a hot wallet depending upon your needs & desires.

Parameters (Hot Wallet Buy): (required) enter the wallet parameters here.

  • Documented Hot Wallets:

  • The format of the parameters varies by provider.

Wallet Tunnel Enabled: only offered for nodes, this option secures access to node servers.

Output Queue: enables batch submission of BUY transactions.

Secondary Output Queue: Secondary output queues can only be used with custom server extensions (otherwise the selected secondary output queue is not used).

The Secondary Queue enables you to specify which transactions go into the [main] Output Queue - and which transactions will go into the Secondary Queue.

Let’s say that you enable a donation screen where all small donations will queue until $1000 USD is reached - and then the $1000 queue is flushed.

  • Without the Secondary Queue, the [main] Output Queue would flush donations too often - generating high mining fees, and making those low-priority transactions too expensive.

Transaction unlock delay: the delay (in minutes) before a transaction is broadcast. The default is 0 (no locking). Locked transactions will display with a lock icon in the transaction log and output queue list. This setting is useful to address government-forced refund periods (e.g. Connecticut, USA).

Exchange Buy: this is one of two possible sources of crypto for a BUY. You may also use a Hot Wallet in addition to (or in place of) a hot wallet depending upon your needs & desires.

  • Documented Exchanges:

Parameters (Exchange Buy): (required for Exchange Buy) enter the Exchange parameters here.

  • Documented Exchanges:

Buy Exchange Strategy: set your preferred strategy here:

  • -1 - No buying at all. The feature will not be available on this Terminal.

  • 0 - No Purchase on the Exchange. Send coins to a customer from the Hot Wallet.

  • 1 - Purchase coins from an Exchange and send them directly to a customer from the Exchange.

  • 2 - Send coins to a customer from the Hot Wallet. After that, purchase coins on the Exchange and if the purchase is successful, send these coins to the Hot Wallet.

  • 3 - (Preferred) Use strategy 2, fallback to strategy 1 if the Hot Wallet has insufficient funds.

  • 4 - Send coins to a customer from the Hot Wallet. After that, purchase coins on the Exchange and leave them there.

  • 5 - Send coins to a customer from Exchange without purchase on Exchange.

Buy Profit In %: set your desired profit % for this type of trade. This percentage will be added to resulting exchange rate.

Buy Profit Override Delta Min: defines the lower limit of the range of the Profit Override values (in terminal detail page). See Profit Override:

Buy Profit Override Delta Max: defines the upper limit of the range of the Profit Override values (in terminal detail page). See Profit Override:

Fixed Transaction Fee: enter a fee (if desired) to be added to any profit% set above. For instance you want to charge customer 2 USD + 5% per transaction.


Sell Rate Source: select one of the supported wallets/exchanges for quoted rates (only).

  • Your Sell Rate Source should match your Exchange provider when possible.

  • Some rate sources have excessively restrictive rate limiting. If you experience frequent rate failures, try a different provider.

Parameters (Sell Rate Source): (optional) enter any fiat currency for rates (e.g. USD, EUR) if the default (blank) doesn’t produce expected results.

Rate Fetching Period: select an appropriate frequency for your needs.

  • Shorter periods = more data consumed, but a faster response to pricing volatility.

Stabilize Sell Rate Source: Stabilizes the rate source using a moving average.

  • When the sell rate moves up, the stabilized rate will slowly follow but when the rate goes down the stabilized rate will go down immediately. This way the stabilized rate source is always equal or more favorable for the ATM operator compared to the non stabilized one.

Hot Wallet Sell: your customers may send their SELL coins to your Hot Wallet (if specified here).

  • Documented Hot Wallets:

Parameters (Hot Wallet Sell): set the wallet parameters here, as required by the various wallet providers.

  • The format of the parameters varies by provider:

Wallet Tunnel Enabled: only offered for nodes, this option secures access to node servers.


Exchange Sell: this is the other possible destination for the coin from a sale.

  • Documented Exchanges:

Parameters (Exchange Sell): set the exchange parameters here.

  • Documented Exchanges:

  • The format of the parameters varies by provider.

Sell Strategy: set your preferred strategy here:

  • 0 - No Selling at all.The feature will not be available on this Terminal. (default)

  • 1 - Receive coins to the Hot Wallet.

  • 2 - Sell coins on the Exchange.

  • 3 - Receive coins to the Exchange.

  • 4 - Receive coins to the Hot Wallet. After that, sell same amount on the Exchange.

Sell Profit In %: set your desired profit % for this type of trade.

Sell Profit Override Delta Min: defines the lower limit of the range of the Profit Override values (in terminal detail page). See Profit Override:

Sell Profit Override Delta Max: defines the upper limit of the range of the Profit Override values (in terminal detail page). See Profit Override:

Fixed Transaction Fee: enter a fee (if desired) to be added to any profit% set above.

Received Crypto Amount Tolerance: the amount that a received coin transmission can vary before being considered “invalid” and triggering a rejection.

Approve overages: when checked, the customer can send more coin (by any amount) and the payment will still be considered “valid”. The configured Received Crypto Amount Tolerance value will only apply if the customer sends insufficient coin.

Minimum Mining Fee Per Byte: sets the minimum mining fee that will be submitted with a SELL transaction being forwarded. CAS will use an average mining fee if this is set to zero, but a higher number may expedite the transaction in the blockchain network.

  • Unit is Satoshi per byte of transaction data (not fiat).

Maximum Mining Fee Per Byte: sets the maximum mining fee that will be charged to your transaction being forwarded. Setting this to zero will enable CAS to calculate and submit an average. Setting this to any non-zero number will set the upper limit for the mining fee - and this may cause SELL transactions to fail due to delay. Use with caution!

  • Unit is Satoshi per byte of transaction data.

  • Sets the upper limit on miner fees for trades of this type. 

  • USE WITH CAUTION: may cause significant delays to trade confirmation times.

Withdrawal Strategy: you may restrict customer cashouts to only specific terminals, or permit withdrawals at any BATM under the ownership of your Organization:

  1. Allow withdrawals only from sales made on this Terminal. This setting forces funds to be allocated (for withdrawal) on the parent BATM, which ensures that banknotes are always present to satisfy those withdrawals.

  2. Allow withdrawals only from sales made on Terminals with same Owner. This allows your customer to flexibly withdraw owed funds at any BATM in your network, but may result in allocation failures at the paying BATM (it may have unpayable local SELLs). 

Withdrawal Confirmations: the minimum number of confirmations required on incoming transaction to authorize a customer to withdraw currency from your BATM.

Sell Offer Expiration: set the time (in minutes) that the SELL offer to the customer is valid. Remember that the transaction must be confirmed on the network, and in some cases, forwarded yet again. Each transmission will take a finite time.

  • Recommended value is 45 mins

Sell Confirmations On Exchange: the minimum number of confirmations required to presume a transaction to be considered valid by your Exchange. Each Exchange has different requirements. A typical confirmation requirement is 3. Remember that each confirmation takes time, and a transaction will timeout if the expiration time is too low.

Invalid Payments Address: Specify a wallet under your control here.

  • If you omit this address, invalid payments may be returned directly to the customer in the event of any problem with the transaction.

  • MANY different problems are possible, so in most cases you would be wise to send invalid payments to a wallet dedicated for this purpose - then failed transactions can be handled, overridden, or refunded - at your discretion.

  • A “no forward” option ignores this setting/address, see: SELL Fees, Forwarding, and Invalid Payments


Your customer may click on "DON’T HAVE A WALLET?"

Which displays this:

Defaults are provided but you may change these to your local taste.

  • Android Application Wallet Name

  • Android Application Wallet URL

  • iPhone Application Wallet Name

  • iPhone Application Wallet URL

Custom strings

Custom strings provided your customers additional describing the transaction. For example, you may want to warn them of high mining fees, or expected confirmation times.

Save it, then go back & test it!

Specific Instructions


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