My Profile

Your Profile settings can be located in the top right corner of CAS.

  • You must successfully login to CAS to view your Profile.

Profile Details

Your Support PIN is required for accessing Support via telephone.

Change your password frequently to avoid vulnerability.

  • The Better Business Bureau (BBB) recommends changing your password monthly.

  • Please change it annually at a very minimum.

Activate Two Factor Authentication (2FA).

  • Do not rely on 2FA to protect your account - change your password frequently!

Terminal Administration QR Code

Each User may have a unique Admin QR Code. This QR code can be generated here. The code will be uploaded to every BATM using the Terminal Permission Template and connected to the same Organization.

The Terminal Permission Template must be configured before the QR code can be used.

  • You must have permissions specifically granted in the Terminal Permission Template, and

  • the Terminal must have that specific Terminal Permission Template selected, and

  • the Terminal, the Terminal Permission Template, and your User must all belong to the same Organization for the QR code to be recognized by the BATM.

  • Allow 15 minutes for the QR code to upload to the BATM.

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