In this article we summarize why you should choose GB when you plan to run BitcoinATM operation.
Most feature rich product on the planet
It is no secret that GB’s CAS and ATM have 100x more features than competing products.
It is a direct result of multiple factors including:
GB has its own development teams probably largest teams among competition that work relentlessly on new features every day that are delivered to operators every month in separate since 2013. It is hard to match such a head-start.
GB listens to its customers and implement the features that customers need. Customers have access to GB ticketing system where they can create improvement tickets.
GB is a global player and gets feature requests from customers around the world. It may very well be that your new regulation requirement is already implemented in our product due to prior requirement existence in different jurisdiction in another part of the world.
Due to multi-market requirements coming from around the globe GB CAS and BitcoinATMs are highly configurable. And we didn’t stop there. We made the product extensible. Your team in your company can extend the product by writing your own extensions. If you are missing some functionality you can add it.
Our products have been translated to more than 60 languages and support more than 150 fiat currencies you are free to enter any market with our products.
GB is your business partner who is innovating and you can directly benefit from it.
Here are some examples:
GB was first to enabled buying other than Bitcoin cryptocurrency on BitcoinATMs.
GB was first who added Bitcoin Lightning support on BitcoinATMs.
GB was first who added support for credit card payments on BitcoinATMs.
GB was first to have fingerprint readers on BitcoinATMs.
GB was first who introduced batched cryptocurrency sending support to lower operator’s expenses on mining fees.
GB was first to introduce orchestration of smart safe and BitcoinATM.
GB solution works for small operators as well as for large operators.
Our solution will scale with you whether you have 1 machine or 6000 machines you can rely on us
Fair price
We believe we charge the fair price. Our revenue share of 0.25% motivates us work towards the same goal as our customers have: Operate machines that have high up-time and throughput.
And when your volumes are low in cryptowinters our incomes is also lower. That's fair.
Product stability
Everyone can build BitcoinATM, but only few can build a stable BitcoinATM. We strive to deliver the product with highest possible up-time and we achieve this by:
Technology - we build on proven technologies such as Java, Android, MySQL, Ubuntu Linux…
Design - we design our products to be fault tolerant
Telemetry - we monitor and act on runtime issues that may occur in 1:1000000 and get them fixed.
Safe upgrades - we deliver product upgrades in two types. Upgrades that introduce new features and upgrades that provide just bug fixes. Operator chooses which upgrade and when applies.
Processes - we provide operators with processes that help them maintain infrastructure.
Excellent documentation and technical support
Over the years we were working on this knowledge base to capture our own knowledge about our products and have it available to you any time. We even trained AI you can consult to get the answers.
Our multi-timezone technical support is ready to help you with your issues and can take your issues to the GB developers for the expertise.
Unique modern design
Our ATMs feature unique iconic design containing clean an simple UI field proven fine-tuned over the years to streamline user’s interaction.
Stable partnership
We are here since 2013 and we are not going anywhere. We grew with our customers and we are here for them. To support them, to listen to them.
Enterprise ready
Our products contain tools and features that operators needed when they reached network size of 1000 machines, when they reached 6000 machines mark, when they needed to be compliant due to their size, and more. Over the time we needed to come up with ways and tools to:
Enable operators to test their terminals in automated fashion for their specific configuration.
Have our engineers replay every night 1000000 transactions with 10000 terminals to measure system stability and performance on latest server software release.