You and your employees will use an admin QR code to access BATM administration screens onsite.
The code assigned to a specific person/employee can be restricted to permit only certain access to BATM functions while onsite. This may be useful, for instance - where a cash collection company services your cashboxes and you don’t want them fiddling with your administration settings.
As with any security measure, a good policy denies access (by default). Access is granted only if the access is needed.
This feature enables you to set/control/restrict certain functions:
Function | Permissions |
ADMINISTRATION | User can access terminal Administration. |
DISPENSER_CASSETTES | User can change the configuration of the dispenser cassettes. |
DISPENSER_CASSETTES_BANKNOTE_COUNT | User can change the number of banknotes in the dispenser cassettes. |
DISPENSE_TESTS | User can trigger dispensing tests. |
RECYCLER_DRUMS | User can change the configuration of the recycler drums.DD R |
RECYCLER_FLOAT_DOWN | User can trigger a recycler float down. See: Recycler Float Down |
When creating a new template, you must choose a specific Organization.
The template will be visible for this Organization only.
User needs to have Admin. permission for access to terminal admin. + other permission for specific operation.
Add a user for each administration permission.
All added users are visible below each permission.
Set the Terminal to use the new Terminal Permission Template.
After creating a Terminal Permission Template and assigning it to a terminal and and a User, this User is now able to generate his/her own terminal administration QR code in My Profile:
If anything change or QR code is lost etc. it is possible to generate new one.