An overview of the Terminals currently installed & used by your Organization.
| Add a new terminal to your CAS network.
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TERMINAL TRANSACTIONS | Display all transactions for all BATM's listed. |
Display aggregated information about your trades. |
TAGS | Enable & assign tags to Terminals to quickly sort & inspect them. |
Change groups of Terminals en masse. Only selected Terminals will be affected by the ACTION. Selected Terminals are ✅ checked.
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PAIRING REQUESTS | Controls Terminals pairing. |
Terminals are sorted by Serial Number with the following summaries and totals:
Status: a color-coded icon reflecting the state of the terminal.
Online - all is normal.
Offline - the Terminal is not connected to CAS.
Inactive - the Terminal is deactivated in CAS.
Rejected: the connection is insecure.
Serial Number: the number of the BATM as seen by the software
Note: hovering over the serial number will briefly display the current BATM software version
the “T” icon is a shortcut for quickly drilling down into the Terminal’s transactions
🔒 the Terminal is connected via VPN
Balance: a transaction is in progress, and this is the amount of cash currently inside the BATM cash boxfiat involved.
Buy In: the amount of fiat submitted to the BATM
Buy Out: the amount of crypto sent out by the BATM
Sell In: the amount of crypto received (two-way BATMs only).
Sell Out: the amount of fiat dispensed (two-way BATMs only).
Cashbox Repletion: the percentage of the cashbox filled.
Days To Full Cashbox: an estimate of the time left to a full cashbox.
Location: a user-defined description of the BATM assigned spot (see CAS:Locations).
Ping Duration: a “heartbeat” that basically shows whether the BATM is alive (or accessible). A ping delay up to 4 seconds (4000ms) is not abnormal, and just shows the current network state.
Connected At: the time and date the terminal was brought live.
Actions: remote control of the BATM
View: the terminal's settings.
Transaction: a detailed listing of individual transactions.
Cashboxes: information regarding the cashboxes in that BATM.
Clear Short Counters: reset the short counters to zero. Used between cashbox drains.
Clear Terminal Balance: this manually resets the balance as needed and on-demand.
Duplicate Terminal: quick method of replicating another terminal when adding another.
Delete Terminal: hide the Terminal from view & use.
Upgrade Terminal: select this to upgrade the BATM software to the latest version immediately. Upgrades are frequently released biweekly. After upgrading remotely, be sure to refresh your browser to see the newly installed version reflected accurately.
Reboot Terminal: restart and reload the terminal software.
Recycler float down: empties the Recycler - all cached banknotes are emptied to the cashbox.
Get Alarm Disengage PIN: a temporary PIN to disable the BATM Alarm.
Terminal Actions
These buttons affect individual terminals. They bring you to a new screen.
TRANSACTIONS: displays the various transaction reports available for this terminal, each broken down by crypto and fiat types:
Buy: all crypto sales to customers
Sell: all crypto purchases from customers
Sell Not Withdrawn: crypto purchases that are still waiting on confirmations.
Sell Allocated: crypto purchases that have been confirmed on the blockchain..
Analytics: powerful charts to visually identify sales/purchases by period.
EVENTS: displays system events logged by the BATM itself.
CASH: click this to view cashbox acceptor & dispenser statistics. Also displays:
BANKNOTE HISTORY: logs the insertion or issuance of each and every bill.
CASH COLLECTIONS: logs of each cash collection by attendants.
ORDERS: used to display orders received by an attached POS
Terminal Quick Stats
The following quick reference data is displayed for this specific terminal:
Terminal Display: Exchange Rates (Buy/Sell)
Updated At: the last time the BATM updated it's screen.
Terminal Time: the time the individual BATM has locally.
Server Time: the time of the event according to CAS.
Available Cash For Dispensing: Available/Allocated
Remaining Anonymous Customer Limits
Buy Counters Long: displays the amount of cash ever deposited into the BATM. This amount is saved for the duration of the BATM service life.
Buy Counters Short: displays the amount of cash deposited into the BATM since it was last cleared.
Sell Counters Long: displays the amount of cash ever issued from the BATM. This amount is saved for the duration of the BATM service life.
Sell Counters Short: displays the amount of cash issued from the BATM since it was last cleared.
Maintenance Counters Long: displays the amount of cash ever deposited into the BATM during maintenance. This amount is saved for the duration of the BATM service life.
Maintenance Counters Short: displays the amount of cash deposited into the BATM during maintenance since it was last cleared.
The general settings for each terminal are displayed here.
All settings marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Serial Number: from the side of the BATM. Used throughout CAS to uniquely identify each BATM.
Version: the firmware version currenty installed in the BATM.
Name: an arbitrary name you call this particular BATM. Be descriptive. Anything that will help you pick it out of a list will do.
Network Info: the type of network this BATM was last connected to, and it's last known IP address.
IP Whitelist Enabled: prevents your BATM from connecting to potentially dangerous local networks.
IP Whitelist: the IP's of any approved routers you allow your BATM to connect to.
Acceptors: the type of bill acceptor currently installed in your BATM will normally be displayed here.
Use Hardcoded Blacklist Addresses: disabling this will enable the BATM to send funds to any destination the customer desires. This may lead to fraud, and unhappy customers.
Shared Secret Hash*: this is emailed to you by GB after you received the BATM. There is no error checking on this, so be careful to copy and paste accurately and entirely.
Administration key: the default (factory) key is already loaded. When you decide to tighten the security on your BATM (recommended), change this key. A detailed example demonstrating a secure method of strong password generation (and making it's QR code) is included in Appendix “D”.
Terminal Active: enables the terminal, otherwise the BATM displays the maintenance message. De-activating the terminal turns off all access except administrative (at the BATM) and CAS (here).
Maintenance Message: displays “Out Of Service”, or whatever you set here. Controlled by the “Terminal Active” setting above.
Notification Policy: be certain to create and select a notification policy for your terminal. If a customer tries to register, you won't be automatically notified unless you specifically activate a policy! See page 23 for instructions on notification policies, and page 12 for terminal configuration.
AML/KYC Policy: select the appropriate policy. Click here for AML/KYC info.
POS: select a POS setting if you have implemented a General Bytes Point Of Sale system in your establishment. It's a great addition to any retail presence, enabling simple and fast NFC purchases!
Store: (for POS) choose the store this terminal will be located within. (Currently not implemented.)
Allow Balance Check: (for POS) permit balance check for registered NFC cards.
Don't Accept Cash If You Don't Have Enough Supply: (for POS) – prevent sales when out of stock.
Allow Email Or SMS Receipt Delivery: (for POS) – allow electronic receipt delivery.
Allow Email Or SMS Purchases: (for POS) – allow electronic purchases.
Owner*: the Organization that owns this BATM terminal.
Skin: a custom theme that you may choose to display on this terminal. See “Look & Feel” on page 26.
General Bytes' products supports many languages, and is constantly adding more!
Default Language*: the language that the BATM uses unless another is selected (see appendix “B”).
Preferred Languages*: the languages you wish to offer the customer for BATM usage (see appendix “B” for a comprehensive list). Choose the ones most likely to be used in your locale.
You'll need to have at least one type of paper currency setup in (“Fiat Settings”) and one type of crypto-currency setup in (“Crypto Settings”) to complete this section!
Main Cash Currency*: select the primary type of currency your bill acceptor is designed to receive. Your particular bill acceptor model can be determined from the BATM admin screen. After entering the admin functions (on the BATM), look at the summary info listed on the left. At the bottom, you'll see something like: ACCEPTOR version: SCN8374X 84 40 (USDEURCAD) - which accepts USD, EUR, and CAD. Each of these should be added and configured in the main menu “Fiat Settings”.
Additional Cash Currencies: if your bill acceptor takes multiple currencies, specify them here. See the bill acceptor specifications for your BATM to determine what currencies are supported. For US sales, the Euro, Canadian Dollar and US Dollar acceptors are typically the default in the BATM, so in that instance you would set “USD” as the “Main Cash Currency” (above) and add “EUR” and “CAD” here. You may skip this area if you only want to accept the main cash currency (above).
Crypto Currency*: select the types of crypto-currency you support. Each type will need an entry in the main menu's “Crypto Settings”. You will need to select at least one, and also select each one in the “Crypto Settings” section of this screen. Obviously, if you don't have it already setup, don't add it here now. You can always add it later on.
Fiat Settings
Match a fiat here with a “Fiat Setting” from the main menu.
Select a Fiat Setting for the currency you selected in “Currencies” above. This permits you to assign only certain types of bills to certain BATM's. You may, of course, accept all supported bills if desired. You can always change these later, but you must setup at least one before you may save this terminal's profile.
Crypto Settings
Match a crypto here with a “Crypto Setting” from the main menu.
Select a Crypto Setting for each of the crypto-currencies you chose to accept in “Currencies” (above). You must assign a setting to each one. You can always change these later, but you must setup at least one before you may save this terminal's profile.
Custom Strings
These messages are displayed on your BATM, receipts, and messages.
See: Custom Strings
These settings allow you to record deployments for documentation purposes. It allows you to identify what sales happened where, which is a prudent record to have available.
Location*: the location at which this BATM will installed. This will show up on CoinATMRadar.
Location From Date*: the starting date this BATM will be at this location.
Other Settings
Settings that don't belong anywhere else:
Cash Collection Mode: this affects if (and how) the counters are reset after the cashbox is pulled.
0 – DEFAULT – None
1 – Removed cashbox automatically clears short counters and prints cashbox contents.
2 - Removed cashbox requires confirmation on the screen to clear counters and print cashbox contents.
Total Cash Limit Per Crypto Address*: - zero means “no limit”. Any amount over zero will apply forever so be careful here. This is part of the AML/KYC configuration.
Publish Settings
You may choose to keep your BATM hidden. Otherwise, publish it!
“Enable "Publish to HQ". Information about your BATM will be published to Is your Terminal displayed on their website? It helps your customers to find your BATM.”
Publish To HQ (GENERAL BYTES): check to enable publication.
Show Terminal Prices: the crypto prices as set in “Crypto Settings”.
Show Terminal Limits: the BATM limits as set above on this page.
Report Cashboxes Contains Of IN Type: the type of currency accepted as set in “Fiat Settings”.
Show Terminal Location: as set above in “Locations”.
Show Terminal Fees: as set above in “Crypto Settings”.
Show AML Type: whether or not AML/KYC is implemented on this BATM, and it's limits.
Terminal Public Name: a description of the BATM, visible to the customer at the BATM location.
Terminal Comment: a comment that will help the customer with additional info about the BATM.
Operator Public Name: as displayed in the “Operator details” section of
Operator Website: as displayed in the “Operator details” section of
More detail: Actions
These errors or warnings may appear underneath any given Terminal. Click for more information:
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