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This option is currently available for BitBayCoin (BAY), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Bitcoin (BTC), Dash (DASH), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Monero (XMR), and Ripple (XRP). Coins implemented via extensions with support for IPaperWallet can be edited to support PDF wallets as well (undocumented).


PDF Wallets are required to comply with the Travel Rule when printed wallets cannot be deployed at the BATM. See: Travel Rule

  • If you have a BATMTwo with no printer, then

  • you must enable PDF wallets to comply with the Travel Rule.


  1. CAS version 20241001 (or newer) must be installed.

  2. A one-time CAS setting must be deployed by the Administrator.

  3. The feature is enabled for each BATM in Terminal details.

  4. Your customers will have the option to complete a purchase using the PDF wallet.

  5. The customer is then forced to scan and receive their coin to the new PDF wallet.


The CAS base configuration must be changed to offer PDF wallets. The webhook you create here will be sent to your customers and will (essentially) be exposed to the public. Choose carefully.

  1. Determine the URL path. In this example we’ll use:

    1. It must be include the domain for your CAS (e.g.

    2. The path /wallets is arbitrary and can be anything that doesn’t conflict with other CAS pathsAny arbitrary path can be used, BUT

      1. it MUST be used consistently, and

      2. it cannot conflict with another path,

      3. e.g. would conflict.

    3. The protocol must include (and support) HTTPS.

  2. Create/edit the /batm/config/webhooks file and place the URL path as a setting:


  • Add the setting pdfWalletLinkUrl=

    • Replace the example URL with the one you decided upon in Step 1.


Now that the configuration has been created, you must expose this URL to the world. Installation (or modification) of NGINX is described in this article:


A working & tested NGINX server block:

Code Block
server {
    listen       8701 ssl;
    server_name wallets;

    ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;

    location / {
        access_log /var/log/nginx/wallets_access.log;
        error_log /var/log/nginx/wallets_error.log;
  • Change the ssl_certificate settings to point to your actual certificate files.

  • Save the server block in a file, e.g. /etc/nginx/conf.d/wallets.conf and restart NGINX.

  • This server block will expose the PDF wallets at

  • Open up port 8701 in your firewall, and direct your DNS record (for a subdomain) to that port.


You can use Cloudflare Zero-Trust tunnels:

  • Point the tunnel to HTTPS and make sure to use the NGINX config above (also).

    • Enable “No TLS Verify” in Additional application settings → TLS

  • TURN OFF PROXY for the subdomain. This will expose your IP, but otherwise Cloudflare will sniff the wallet - and since it can only be read once - the wallet will be invalid and thereafter won’t be usable.

  • The pdfWalletLinkUrl should match the new tunnel subdomain+domain.

  • test URL example:

  • Yet another (undocumented) option: ngrok:

The URL path in any case must translate/point to: https://{master_bind_ip}:7743/api/v1/crypto-wallets


Append “/test” to the end of the exposed URL. Navigate to the URL using a web browser.

  • e.g. becomes:

  • Navigating to that URL should result in a simple web page “Invalid key” result.


  1. The customer initiates a BUY.

  2. Customer selects the button “DON’T HAVE A WALLET?”, or

    1. if the Travel Rule is employed, the “CREATE NEW WALLEToption may be offered.


  1. The Customer chooses “DOWNLOAD WALLET AS PDF”.


6. The Customer uses the Public Key in the PDF to receive their coin.

Example PDF:



NGINX Specific Details

Your settings should contain entries such as these.