You’ll have more questions. We have answers - MANY answers - and the fastest solution is almost always to look in our knowledge base first (hint: you’re already in it).
First Steps
1. Request a GB Partner account.
Purchasing a BATM doesn’t automatically create an account. You Operators need a Partner account created to be issued a CAS installation key. You cannot install CAS without the key.
Instructions: https://generalbytes.atlassian.net/l/cp/9dPEU0xj
Your BATM is similar to a vending machine. The BATM need to be connected to CAS to sell your coin, and that BATM is represented in CAS as a Terminal. The Terminal must already exist (from the previous step).
Find specific instructions by choosing the BATM model here: https://generalbytes.atlassian.net/l/cp/p5QTsAtg
4. Update your BATM firmware.
Warning |
This step is critically important. |
5. Perform a test transaction.
Note |
Please make sure you’ve updated your BATM to the most recent firmware! |
Demo settings are automatically configured in CAS for a sample BUY. No coin is sent when using the demo BUY settings. After you’ve acquainted yourself with the operation and usage, you’re ready to setup live Hot Wallets and Exchanges. See: https://generalbytes.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ESD/pages/2013921317/CAS+Configuration+Overview#Adjust-your-Crypto-Settings.
Assuming that everything was setup correctly, the demo BUY transaction should succeed.
SELL transactions: do not send coin to the wallet address offered on-screen.
The wallet address (in the demo SELL) is a tip wallet and no refunds will be issued!
Coffee is nice, but we prefer that only people that don’t read the manual pay for it.