Versions Compared


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This article will help you to adopt the best practices in the area of upgrading your server and terminal network with minimum down time downtime and the other risks that might be involved.


Our product comes with major releases and minor releases. Minor releases are also called patch releases.


Naming convention: yyyymmdd.pp example 20231012.20.

Where 20231012 is a major version and .20 is a patch level.

Major releases contain predominantly new functionality, database, architectural, and security improvements and may contain changes that introduce bugs.

Minor releases contain just bug fixes and are designed to be safe and easy for the operators to install. Patch releases are numbered in incremental order.


It is highly recommended to always have run your production running server on a supported release. Risks involving arising from not staying on a supported version include; but are not limited to, sudden downtime due to 3rd party wallet provider API change or 0-day vulnerability discovery. GENERAL BYTES is able to can provide a fix for in such situations via a new patch release , but only on for currently supported releases.

Timing upgrade

Dos and Don’ts: timing your upgrade

  • Do follow the patch releases page to know when a new version is released.

  • Don’t upgrade your operation to a release that has not been publicly released publicly or has been announced yesterday. It may contain bugs. Let

  • Do let other operators to discover them first (and us fix them) if you don’t need to upgrade ASAP.

  • Don’t upgrade on a Friday or Weekends. a Weekend. If you hit an issue, GB development and QA departments are not available on weekends when you hit the issue and . Any new patch release needs to won’t be released before the next working day.

  • Don’t upgrade on a Monday. GB development and QA departments is likely to have limited resources on Monday due to team meetings and accumulated issues that has been identified over the past weekend and need to be addressed with are frequently busy with team meetings or are responding to issues that arose over the weekend. Limited resources must be delegated amongst several items competing for priority.

  • Don’t upgrade on US and Czech business holidays.

  • Don’t upgrade from 18th of Dec to 3rd of January when GB has limited resources due to Christmas seasonover Christmas. The last two weeks of the year and the first days of the new year (December 18th to January 3rd) are when most GB employees partake in family-oriented vacations. The office is a ghost town.


GB has perfected over the years following procedure on how operators should evaluate and install new releases with minimum risk of negative impact on their operation with upgrade. Following procedure is recommended at least for operators that have 100+ machines but smaller operator may adopt this procedure too.
