Code Block |
nano $HOME/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf |
Add the following settings & rpcauth
Code Block |
server=1 daemon=1 rpcport=8332 rpcauth=ThisIsAnExampleAnyNameYouWantHere:77cf8c03b15219cafb1e72ae9329d5fd$72de450660cdb6dd2689cd2cba4091646a5e8005490dec07dc577b6dad67770ecbb36c03b15219cafb1e72ae9329d5fd$72de450660cdb6dd2689cd2cba4091646a5e8005490dec07dc577b6dad608a80 |
Replace the “rpcauth” line with the cookie/token you generated in the previous step 2.
Exit the nano editor with Control+X and “Y” to save your changes.
The CAS parameter “port” is the same as the “rpcport” specified in this step (8332).
4. Start the bitcoind daemon: