Extension Management

Extensions are custom pieces of software, produced by GB and third-parties, that “extend” the capabilities of CAS. Extension guidelines and examples can be found on our GitHub presence at:

General Bytes on Github

Any and all documentation about extensions are confined to our GitHub site. General Bytes' Support is limited to existing hardware and software only. Support cannot and will not assist in your creation of custom code. That exploration is outside the scope of our Support. Questions may only be fielded to the community and development team via standard GitHub channels.

Operator Website API Example

Installing an Extension

Once the extension is built, it may be loaded into CAS.

Copy the “jar” file to the extensions folder

cp /root/your_custom_extension.jar /batm/app/master/extensions/your_custom_extension.jar
  • the filename and location will obviously be different.

Modify file ownership:

sudo chown batm:batm /batm/app/master/extensions/your_custom_extension.jar
  • the custom extension must be “owned” by the batm user.

Modify the extension configuration file:

Create the /batm/config/extensions file and adjust it's permissions:

sudo mkdir -p /batm/app/master/extensions sudo touch /batm/config/extensions sudo chown batm:batm /batm/config/extensions

Use nano (or another editor) to edit the “extensions” configuration file:

  • set autoload=true for the jar’s extension.

  • com.generalbytes.batm.server.extensions.your_custom_extension.autoload=true

  • Save the file and exit nano (Ctrl+X and Enter).

Restart CAS to implement the new extension.

Success. The JAR is now in the proper place, and CAS will load it when started.

To verify it is enabled, navigate (in CAS) to: Tools > Loaded extensions

  • Your custom extension should be listed.

Disabling an Extension

Third-party extensions will normally need testing & debugging. To disable an extension for debugging:

Use nano (or another editor) to edit the “extensions” configuration file:

  • set autoload=false for the jar’s extension.

  • com.generalbytes.batm.server.extensions.your_custom_extension.autoload=false

  • Save the file and exit nano (Ctrl+X and Enter).

Restart CAS to implement the new extension.

  • To verify it is disabled, navigate (in CAS) to: Tools > Loaded extensions:

  • Your custom extension should NOT be listed.

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