Server Configuration

Server Configuration

This setting helps you fine tune the CAS master service performance.

Default values should be sufficient for Operators with fewer than 500 machines.

When CAS is started, BATM Terminals will start requesting (from CAS) their configuration. CAS may be unable to load the terminal configuration and respond to all BATMs at once. The MySQL database service (or the host throughput) may not be able to satisfy the high demand.

CAS will serve only 20 (default value) BATMs at once, and the others will be temporarily deferred.

The same situation arises with Terminal Templates. When a Terminal Template (shared by 1000 BATMs) is changed - all affected BATMs will request the new configuration. CAS will ask only 20 (default value) Terminals to receive the new configuration at once. Once this batch of Terminals is served, the next 20 machines will receive a signal to download the new configuration.

You may increase these values if you determine the configuration changes are propagated too slowly on your network (>500 BATMs) - presuming your server (and MySQL) have sufficient processing power.

You should decrease the these values if your average call duration of getTerminalConfiguration (displayed in Server Monitoring) is higher then 200ms.

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