Version 20210519 (or newer) must be installed & functional prior to this upgrade!

New Features:

Server: Identity merging.
Server: Transaction classification.
Terminal: Terminal generates and sends to server event record containing summary of user's session interaction.


Server: Server now automatically marks a dispenser cassette as: “to be skipped” for future dispenses when it is detected that the Terminal tried to dispense banknotes from an empty cassette.

  • "Cashbox empty error when dispensing" notification is issued in this event.

Server: Added database indexes to speedup cashbox analytics.
Server: Customer role granted new permission: add new Custom Fields.
Server: Added ability to add, get, modify locations via Extensions API.
Server: Added opening hours into locations Extensions API.
Server: Fixed Ciphertrace support for ETH addresses.
Server: Server monitoring in admin now also contains performance chart with historical values.
Server: Transaction scoring results are displayed in the list of transactions in admin.
Server: Added ./batm-manage heap-dump master|admin command for debugging purposes.
Server: Admin check image resolution before letting user upload skin image.
Server: Admin doesn't complain any more about old terminal version when is equal or newer then stable version.
Server/Terminal: Added withdraw_transaction_failed_not_enough_cash_message custom string to enable operator to
override text of default message "Withdrawal is not possible. Not enough cash in the machine".
Server: Compatible with server extensions version 1.0.40.
Terminal: Code handling camera picture processing and QR-code scanning was rewritten.
Terminal: Face capture images are uploaded on server asynchronously.
Terminal: Terminal will upgrade after customer finishes the transaction.
Terminal: Fixed Vaerdex language translations.
Terminal: Added GBP support for Bitstamp.
Terminal/Server: Coinomi is now recommended mobile wallet on terminal for XRP.

Bug Fixes:

Server: Some folders in left admin menu didn't stay opened.
Server: Fixed cache cleaning of terminal patch releases downloaded on sever.
Server: "Add New Dispenser Cassette" button is now available only for BATM3&4.
Server: Fixed binance XRP withdraw.
Server: Added XRP paper wallet support.
Terminal: Unused skin files were not deleted on terminal's flash.
Terminal: Face capture wasn't properly stored in events.

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