Version 20210519 (or better) must be installed & functional prior to this upgrade!

New Features:

Server: Added support for Chainalysis transaction scoring service.


Server: Added support for USDT, USDC and DAI on Kraken.
Server: Check identity duplicities only by using lastname and birth date.
Server: Added possibility to apply discount code only to newly created identities (new customers).
Server: Added batm-manage reboot command to reboot terminal using script.
Server: Webhook calls now contain server and terminal time information.
Server: Added Paxos Gold.
Server: Added validation for unique crypto settings name.
Server: Litecoin addresses starting with 3 are no longer accepted in new UI. Broken since 20210301.
Server: When identity state is changed and text message is sent. Same message is stored also in identity note.
Server: Compatible with server extensions version 1.0.30.

BATM3/4: maximum number of allowed banknotes dispensed is now 600.
Terminal: Portuguese language translation updated.
Terminal: Dispenser error codes are now translated to names in events.

Bug Fixes:

Server: Fixed resetting Twilio settings when master service is restarted.
BATM3/4: Allowed purchases via email and SMS on BATM3 and BATM4.
BATM3/4/RCKit: Fixed issue when customer was performing quickly multiple dispense operations in row.
Server: Fixed Bittrex withdraw implementation.