Joke-coin or not, DOGE has become the focus of a great deal of attention recently. Your customers want it, here’s how to setup a node to provide it.

The following guide is written with instructions to be executed as a sudo-user. You will be a target for hackers, and your DOGE will be at risk. You are strongly encouraged to implement any and all restrictions available to you to protect your server from unauthorized access. These enhancements however, are beyond the scope of this guide, and entirely up to you.

Before you begin:

The following example is based on the following specs:

Download and install the software:

Start at the terminal prompt.

Download the latest gzipped tarball from DOGECoin Github Site:

In this example, version 1.14.3 is downloaded:


Unzip the tarball:

tar xzf dogecoin-1.14.3-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz

Create an RPC token:

The RPC token is designed to eliminate the need for hard-coded passwords in configuration and script files. You will receive a password here ONCE.

This password is required for CAS - it's your “RPC Password” noted in Step 6.

Download on GitHub:

sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/

Modify the file permissions to allow the python script to execute:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/

Then finally run the RPC token generator that you just installed and enabled: GBRocks

In this example, “GBRocks” is the user required in the parameter string.

The password required in the parameter string is: G_2YHAHDwrWy3WDbwXQUnBOrXHZJMGtflof9YJwkHRA=

Configure dogecoind for use with CAS:

Create the configuration file:

mkdir .dogecoin
touch .dogecoin/dogecoin.conf

Add the required ingredients:

nano .dogecoin/dogecoin.conf

Insert the rpcauth cookie and other required settings:


Optional: install the bootstrap blockchain

Started normally, the daemon will download and confirm the entire DOGE blockchain. This can be a VERY slow process, but it ensures the integrity of the blockchain. If you’re handicapped by impatience, you can download the “bootstrap” blockchain and skip much of the waiting.

There are a couple ways to go about this.

One is to locate a current tarball (usually a torrent) and overwrite the 2 relevant directories in the .dogecoin directory. This is the fastest method, but you’re on your own. No support. Much fast.

The other method is to download it from (or other trusted sites). That method is the “official” method implemented by dogecoind, and is executed like this:

Download the boostrap to the data directory:

wget -O ~/.dogecoin/bootstrap.dat

When you start the daemon (in the next step) it will use this bootstrap instead of the slow method.

Start the daemon


The daemon may now be controlled by the dogecoin-cli program. This command will list all the commands available to you from the command line, and verify that everything is working (so far):

dogecoin-1.14.3/bin/dogecoin-cli help

The blockchain will take some time to download & be confirmed on your node. We’re stuck here until this process finishes. It could take days (or longer)! So, we’ll install the GB Wallet Tunnel in the meantime.

To test if the blockchain is completely downloaded & up-to-date, use:

dogecoin-1.14.3/bin/dogecoin-cli getblockcount

Compare the number returned with the number of “Blocks Count” from

When the 2 numbers are the same, the node is “synchronized” and functional.

  • The block count (as of this article) is: 3,696,347

Setup a secure tunnel for encrypted communication:

The GB Wallet Tunnel is recommended:

General Bytes has incorporated an open-source ssh client into CAS.

Click here for instructions to install the GB Wallet Tunnel Server.


ALTERNATE: to create a secure SSH tunnel between your CAS server and your node, use:

ssh -f -N -i /path/to/your/key -l <LOGIN_ID> -L 22555: <NODE_IP>

  • do not use both a SSH Tunnel and Gb Wallet Tunnel

ALTERNATE: to create a secure SSH tunnel between your CAS server and your node, use:

ssh -f -N -i /path/to/your/key -l <LOGIN_ID> -L 22555: <NODE_IP>

  • do not use both a SSH Tunnel and Gb Wallet Tunnel

Prepare the parameters for the CAS Crypto Setting:

The protocol is currently always http.

The user and password were acquired from the rpcauth cookie previously generated.

The host is the PUBLIC IP of your node. Private IP’s WILL NOT WORK!

The default RPC port is: 22555

The accountname is the preferred wallet (if any). Leave blank to use the default wallet.

So, in this example, this is the required parameter string for my DOGE Crypto Setting:


Save it!

Test it:

Re-enter the Crypto setting and run the Hot Wallet Buy test.

If you see red, check your parameters carefully.