Versions Compared


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Your AML/KYC settings are created and configured here. One setting may be applied to all Terminals, or they may be individually configured, or anywhere in-between.



describe the setting, i.e. “New York KYC Policy”.


(admin only) assigns this policy to a specific Organization.

Reject PEPs:

PEPs (Politically Exposed People) must (by regional law) identify themselves during financial transactions. Enabling this option rejects those customers that are determined to be PEPs.

Allow Only Customers With Known Phone Identity

This option prevents Unregistered customers with anonymous phone numbers from attempting to use your BATMs that use this AML/KYC policy.

  • Only available in CANADA & the UNITED STATES.

  • Charged Service (0.13 USD per query) to your GB account.

  • Must also be enabled in your Organization settings.

Reject High Risk Transactions:

High risk transactions are those determined by a 3rd party after a target wallet address (BUY) or a sending address (SELL) is used. When enabled, transactions that are identified as “high risk” will be disabled.

Use External Registration Only:

An external system will be used to search for identities, otherwise the internal system will be used for identifying. This option should be enabled only if you use the instruction "Nothing, Go To Website" (see below).

Cryptoaddress Pinning

After being used by an Identity, a crypto-address will become exclusive to that Identity (for the “X” days specified in the Pinning Window).

  • Security measure to avoid scammingdeter scamming.

  • Other Identities won’t be able to use the same wallet address during that window.

Pinning Window (in days)

See: Cryptoaddress Pinning (above).

Travel Rule Configuration

the “Travel” rule requires all financial institutions to pass on certain information to the next financial institution, in certain funds transmittals involving more than one financial institution.

Setting is ignored - unless configured in Organization settings.


  • Disabled

  • Enabled, unknown counterparty transactions rejected

  • Enabled, unknown counterparty transactions allowed

“unknown” = wallet owner unidentifiable by CipherTrace.

Travel Rule Amount Threshold

Transactions above this amount (inclusive, in Default Fiat Currency configured below) will be submitted to the configured Travel Rule Provider. Lesser amounts will be ignored.


  • Cash Limit Per Transaction* must be NON-ZERO!

  • Cash Limit Per Hour*

  • Cash Limit Per Day*

  • Cash Limit Per Week*

  • Cash Limit Per Month*

  • Cash Limit Per 3 Months*

  • Cash Limit Per 12 Months*

  • Cash Limit Per Calendar Year Quarter*

  • Cash Limit Per Calendar Year*

  • Cash Limit Per Day And Crypto Address*

  • Total Cash Limit Per Crypto Address*
