Fees that are below a certain minimum may take DAYS (or longer) before they are accepted into a block!
Once the transaction is selected and accepted from the Mempool, it is removed from the Mempool and becomes "confirmed".
The industry standard is that the transaction is “authentic” (immutable) after 3 confirmations.
Operating a Bitcoin Core node allows you to perform fee adjustments without involving third-parties (for BUY transactions only). See: https://generalbytes.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ESD/pages/954761434/Bitcoin+Core+BTC+Node+for+CAS#RBF-and-CPFP
Third-parties can also perform this service for an additional (substantial) fee using CPFP.
Info |
These websites (there are many) show the current Mempool status and the fees that are bidding for the quickest processing: |